Index Search Results

Section: Interviews

109 results

Title: A Certain Kind of Animal Energy
Leon Golub Talks about Drawing
Date: January 2022
Issue: Volume 40, Number 3: The Body (#158)
Page: 98-111
Section: Interviews
Date: August 2021
Issue: Volume 40, Number 2: Photography (#157)
Page: 118-129
Section: Interviews
Title: The Man with the Moving Camera
An Interview with Chuck Samuels
Author: Robert Enright
Date: August 2021
Issue: Volume 40, Number 2: Photography (#157)
Page: 100-111
Section: Interviews
Title: History Maker
An Interview with Stan Douglas
Author: Robert Enright
Date: November 2020
Issue: Volume 39, Number 3 (#155)
Section: Interviews
Subject: Stan Douglas
Title: Riding on the &
The Continuous Work of IAIN BAXTER&
Date: June 2020
Issue: Volume 39, Number 2 (#154)
Page: 16-32
Section: Interviews
Title: The Beautiful Lament
An Interview with Wanda Koop
Date: September 2019
Issue: Volume 38, Number 3: Painting (#151)
Page: 44-55
Section: Interviews   Tags: wanda koop
Subject: Wanda Koop
Title: The Bochnerian Not
An interview with Mel Bochner
Author: Meeka Walsh, Robert Enright
Date: March 2019
Issue: Volume 38 Number 1: Language + Art (#149)
Page: 26-38
Section: Interviews   Tags: mel bochnerpainting
Subject: the Bochnerian Not
Title: Making in the Not-Knowing
The Sculpture and Drawing of Jen Aitken
Author: Robert Enright
Date: December 2018
Issue: Volume 37, Number 4: Women + Sculpture (#148)
Page: 78-87
Section: Interviews   Tags: installation artjen aitkensculpture
Subject: jen aitken
Title: Dark Enlightenment
An Interview with David Lynch
Author: Robert Enright
Date: August 2018
Issue: Volume 37, Number 3: Painting (#147)
Page: 44-55
Section: Interviews   Tags: david lynchfilmfilmmakingpainting
Subject: David Lynch
Title: The Structure of Connecting
An Interview with Holger Kalberg
Author: Robert Enright
Date: August 2018
Issue: Volume 37, Number 3: Painting (#147)
Page: 108-118
Section: Interviews   Tags: holger kalbergpaintpaintingsculpture
Subject: Holger Kalberg
Title: Picturing The Red Line
An Interview with Meryl McMaster
Author: Robert Enright
Date: June 2018
Issue: Volume 37, Number 2 (#146)
Page: 36-48
Section: Interviews   Tags: indigenousindigenous artmeryl mcmaster
Subject: Meryl McMaster
Title: The Weight of History
Richard Serra’s Sculpture and Drawings
Author: Meeka Walsh, Robert Enright
Date: December 2017
Issue: Volume 36, Number 4 (#144)
Page: 26-43
Section: Interviews   Tags: drawingrichard serrasculpturesteel
Subject: Richard Serra
Title: Leonard Cohen
Author: Robert Enright
Date: December 2007
Issue: Volume 26, Number 4: Words & Pictures (#104)
Page: 26-40
Section: Interviews   Tags: leonard cohenmusicpoetry
Subject: Leonard Cohen
Title: Taking the Polymath Test
Chris Cran and the Pleasures of Looking
Date: August 2015
Issue: Volume 34, Number 3: Painting (#135)
Page: 76-88
Section: Interviews   Tags: chris cranpaintpainting
Subject: Chris Cran
Date: December 2014
Issue: Volume 33, Number 4: Correspondences (#132)
Page: 124-36
Section: Interviews   Tags: suzy lake
Subject: Suzy Lake
Title: The Synonym Revealer’s Life
Neil Farber Makes Connections
Author: Robert Enright, Meeka Walsh
Date: September 2014
Issue: Volume 33, Number 3: Painting (#131)
Page: 70-81
Section: Interviews   Tags: neil farberpaintpainting
Subject: Neil Farber
Title: Drawing the Dance of the Unfinished Story
An Interview with June Leaf
Author: Robert Enright, Meeka Walsh
Date: June 2014
Issue: Volume 33, Number 2: Remaking the Real (#130)
Page: 42-55
Section: Interviews   Tags: builtdrawingjune leafmechanics
Subject: June Leaf
Title: Painting’s Giant Dialogue
An Interview with Kim Dorland
Author: Robert Enright
Date: March 2014
Issue: Volume 33, Number 1: Influence (#129)
Page: 40-53
Section: Interviews   Tags: kim dorland
Subject: Kim Dorland
Title: Showing Nothing, Showing Everything
Tommy Hartung’s Search for the Sublime
Author: Robert Enright
Section: Interviews