Index Search Results
109 results
Section: Crossovers
Section: Crossovers
Subject: “Inuit Prints: Japanese Inspiration” at UBC Museum of Anthropology and “Sweet Innovation” at Marion Scott Gallery in Vancouver
Section: Crossovers
Subject: “Man Ray, African Art and the Modernist Lens,” curated by Wendy Grossman, at the UBC Museum of Anthropology
Section: Crossovers
Subject: “Robert Adams: The Place We Live, A Retrospective Selection of Photographs” at the Vancouver Art Gallery
Section: Crossovers
Subject: “Leonardo da Vinci: The Mechanics of Man” and “Visceral Bodies” at the Vancouver Art Gallery
Beauty’s Abjection: The Paradoxes of Luanne Martineau
Author: Robin Laurence
Author: Robin Laurence
Section: Articles
Subject: Luanne Martineau
Section: Crossovers
Subject: “Make it Strange” at the Malaspina Printmakers Gallery in Vancouver
Section: Crossovers
Subject: The Malcolmson Collection, exhibited at Presentation House Gallery in North Vancouver
Section: Crossovers
Subject: “Here Now or Nowhere,” a temporary exhibition of public art curated by Micah Lexier and presented by the Prairie Art Gallery
Section: Crossovers
Subject: “Edward Burtynsky: An Uneasy Beauty: Photographs of Western Canada” at the Surrey Art Gallery
Airplanes, Figure-Skaters, Football Players and High-Heeled Shoes
Oviloo Tunnillie and the Tradition of the New
Author: Robin Laurence
Oviloo Tunnillie and the Tradition of the New
Author: Robin Laurence
Section: Articles
Subject: Oviloo Tunnillie
Section: Crossovers
Subject: “Rebecca Belmore: Rising to the Occasion” at the Vancouver Art Gallery
Section: Crossovers
Subject: “Elspeth Pratt: Nonetheless” at the Charles H. Scott Gallery in Vancouver
Section: Crossovers
Subject: James Nizam’s “Anteroom” at Gallery Jones in Vancouver
“Glorious Eccentrics: Modernist Women Painting and Writing” and “Surprised in Translation”
Author: Robin Laurence
Author: Robin Laurence
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: “Glorious Eccentrics: Modernist Women Painting and Writing” and “Surprised in Translation” by Mary Ann Caws
Huang Yong Ping
Author: Robin Laurence
Author: Robin Laurence
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: House of Oracles: A Huang Yong Ping Retrospective” at Vancouver Art Gallery, organized and circulated by the Walker Art Centre
Fred Herzog
Author: Robin Laurence
Author: Robin Laurence
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: “Fred Herzog: Vancouver Photographs” at the Vancouver Art Gallery
Paul Mathieu
Author: Robin Laurence
Author: Robin Laurence
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: “Paul Mathieu: Making China in China” at the Richmond Art Gallery
Davida Kidd
Author: Robin Laurence
Author: Robin Laurence
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: “Davida Kidd: Core Dump” at the Bjornson Kajawara Gallery in Vancouver
Haida Glee: Transitions in Northwest Coast Art
Author: Robin Laurence
Author: Robin Laurence
Section: Articles
Subject: Haida art