Index Search Results

Tag: painting

149 results

Title: A Person of Parts
An Interview with David Elliott
Author: Robert Enright
Date: August 2016
Issue: Volume 35, Number 3: Painting (#139)
Page: 86
Section: Interviews   Tags: boxesdavid elliottpainting
Subject: David Elliott
Title: Intuitive Discipline
An Interview with Joanne Tod
Author: Robert Enright, Meeka Walsh
Date: August 2016
Issue: Volume 35, Number 3: Painting (#139)
Page: 60-73
Section: Interviews   Tags: ceramicsjoanne todpaintingsculpture
Subject: Joanne Tod
Title: The World of Art According to Neil Jenney
Author: Robert Enright, Meeka Walsh
Date: August 2016
Issue: Volume 35, Number 3: Painting (#139)
Page: 48
Section: Interviews   Tags: neil jenneypainting
Subject: Neil Jenney
Title: Certain Things in a Certain Way
An Interview with Jonathan Lasker
Author: Robert Enright, Meeka Walsh
Date: August 2016
Issue: Volume 35, Number 3: Painting (#139)
Page: 34
Section: Interviews   Tags: jonathan laskerpainting
Subject: Jonathan Lasker
Date: August 2016
Issue: Volume 35, Number 3: Painting (#139)
Page: 30-30
Subject: Brian Hunter
Date: August 2016
Issue: Volume 35, Number 3: Painting (#139)
Page: 28-29
Subject: Arlene Shechet
Date: August 2016
Issue: Volume 35, Number 3: Painting (#139)
Page: 26-27
Section: Borderviews   Tags: eric fischlpaintingpaintings
Subject: Eric Fischl
Title: Karel Funk
Author: Craig Love
Date: August 2016
Issue: Volume 35, Number 3: Painting (#139)
Page: 123
Section: Crossovers   Tags: hooded figureshoodskarel funkpainting
Subject: Karel Funk
Date: August 2016
Issue: Volume 35, Number 3: Painting (#139)
Page: 120-122
Subject: Sarah Anne Johnson
Title: Subversive Radiance
The Art of Michael Merrill
Author: James D. Campbell
Date: August 2016
Issue: Volume 35, Number 3: Painting (#139)
Page: 106
Section: Articles   Tags: michael merrillpainting
Subject: Michael Merrill
Title: Beauty and the Deferring and Balancing Beast
The Paintings of Ambera Wellmann
Author: Meeka Walsh
Date: August 2016
Issue: Volume 35, Number 3: Painting (#139)
Page: 98-105
Section: Articles   Tags: ambera wellmannoilspainting
Subject: Ambera Wellmann
Date: June 2016
Issue: Volume 35, Number 2: Art + Architecture (#138)
Page: 152-153
Section: Crossovers   Tags: james mcleanpainting
Title: On Running Into History, And How to Avoid a Bloody Nose
Work by Monika Sosnowska and Przemek Pyszczek
Author: Dagmara Genda
Date: June 2016
Issue: Volume 35, Number 2: Art + Architecture (#138)
Page: 96-101
Subject: Monika Sosnowska and Przemek Pyszczek
Date: December 2015
Issue: Volume 34, Number 4: Son et Lumière (#136)
Page: 17-17
Title: I Like the World and the World Likes Me
An Interview with Dana Schutz
Author: Robert Enright, Meeka Walsh
Date: May 2015
Issue: Volume 34, Number 2 (#134)
Page: 38-54
Section: Interviews   Tags: dana schutzpainting
Subject: Dana Schutz
Title: Tal R
Basement Occupation
Author: Robert Enright
Date: September 2017
Page: 42-45
Section: Interviews   Tags: paintingtal r
Subject: Tal R
Title: The Bare Unbearable Fleshiness of Being
The Paintings of Marion Wagschal
Author: James D. Campbell
Date: August 2015
Issue: Volume 34, Number 3: Painting (#135)
Page: 88
Section: Articles   Tags: marion wagschalpainting
Subject: Mariton Wagschal
Date: August 2015
Issue: Volume 34, Number 3: Painting (#135)
Page: 23-23
Section: Borderviews   Tags: jennifer carvalhooilpainting
Subject: Jennifer Carvalho
Date: August 2015
Issue: Volume 34, Number 3: Painting (#135)
Page: 22-22
Section: Borderviews   Tags: erica mendritzkipaintingwinnipeg
Subject: Erica Mendritzki