Index Search Results
149 results
Subject: Jaan Poldaas
Subject: Annie Hémond Hotte
Subject: Reinhard Reizenstein
A Shifting Sort of Seeming
The Pleasurable Difficulty of Leopold Plotek
Author: Benjamin Klein
The Pleasurable Difficulty of Leopold Plotek
Author: Benjamin Klein
Subject: Leopold Plotek
Subject: Harold Klunder
Section: Interviews
Tags: benjamin klein brenda draney john eisler julie beugin paint painting patrick cruz sojourner truth parsons
Subject: Painting
Section: Crossovers
Tags: book review cy twombly mary jacobus painting reading cy twombly: poetry in paint
Subject: Cy Twombly
Subject: Cy Twombly
Subject: Eliza Griffiths
Subject: Kevin Kelly
Subject: Matisse/ Dibenkorn
Subject: Nika Fontaine
Subject: Simon Hughes
Subject: Chloe Wise
Subject: Nicola Tyson
Subject: Wanda Koop
The Uncertain Certainty: States of the Art of Painting
David Salle: Bushes With Form
Author: Robert Enright
David Salle: Bushes With Form
Author: Robert Enright
Date: August 2015
Page: 61-66
Page: 61-66
Subject: David Salle
Date: September 2016
Subject: Eric Fischl
Subject: Natalka Husar
Section: Articles
Tags: anton raphael mengs jmw turner john kissick painting unfinished paintings velázquez
Subject: Velázquez; Anton Raphael Mengs; JMW Turner