Index Search Results

Tag: painting

149 results

Title: Jaan Poldaas
Author: Earl Miller
Date: September 2017
Issue: Volume 36, Number 3: Painting (#143)
Page: 128-129
Section: Crossovers   Tags: jaan poldaaspainting
Subject: Jaan Poldaas
Date: September 2017
Issue: Volume 36, Number 3: Painting (#143)
Page: 125-126
Section: Crossovers   Tags: annie hémond hottepainting
Subject: Annie Hémond Hotte
Date: September 2017
Issue: Volume 36, Number 3: Painting (#143)
Page: 123-124
Section: Crossovers   Tags: paintingreinhard reitzenstein
Subject: Reinhard Reizenstein
Title: A Shifting Sort of Seeming
The Pleasurable Difficulty of Leopold Plotek
Author: Benjamin Klein
Date: September 2017
Issue: Volume 36, Number 3: Painting (#143)
Page: 102-106
Section: Articles   Tags: leopold plotekpainting
Subject: Leopold Plotek
Title: Eyes Wide Open
Episodic Voyeurism and the Art of Harold Klunder
Author: James D. Campbell
Date: September 2017
Issue: Volume 36, Number 3: Painting (#143)
Page: 94-99
Section: Articles, Reviews   Tags: harold klunderpainting
Subject: Harold Klunder
Title: Optimistic Hybridities
States of the Art of Painting 2017
Author: Robert Enright
Date: September 2017
Issue: Volume 36, Number 3: Painting (#143)
Page: 62-92
Subject: Painting
Title: Reading Cy Twombly
‘Poetry in Paint’ by Mary Jacobus
Author: Mariianne Mays Wiebe
Date: May 2017
Issue: Volume 36, Number 2: Photography & Film (#142)
Page: 108-109
Subject: Cy Twombly
Title: Cy Twombly
Author: Stephen Horne
Date: May 2017
Issue: Volume 36, Number 2: Photography & Film (#142)
Page: 106-108
Section: Crossovers   Tags: cy twomblypainting
Subject: Cy Twombly
Date: May 2017
Issue: Volume 36, Number 2: Photography & Film (#142)
Page: 98-99
Section: Crossovers   Tags: eliza griffithspainting
Subject: Eliza Griffiths
Title: Kevin Kelly
Author: Shep Steiner
Date: March 2017
Issue: Volume 36, Number 1 (#141)
Page: 110-111
Section: Crossovers   Tags: kevin kellylantern gallerypaintingwinnipeg
Subject: Kevin Kelly
Date: March 2017
Issue: Volume 36, Number 1 (#141)
Page: 106-108
Section: Crossovers   Tags: diebenkorndrawingmatissepainting
Subject: Matisse/ Dibenkorn
Title: Nika Fontaine
Author: Benjamin Klein
Date: March 2017
Issue: Volume 36, Number 1 (#141)
Page: 98-99
Subject: Nika Fontaine
Title: Simon Hughes
Author: Craig Love
Date: March 2017
Issue: Volume 36, Number 1 (#141)
Page: 90-91
Section: Crossovers   Tags: paintingsimon hughes
Subject: Simon Hughes
Title: Something is Something Else
An Interview with Chloe Wise
Author: Robert Enright
Date: March 2017
Issue: Volume 36, Number 1 (#141)
Page: 70-80
Section: Interviews   Tags: chloe wisepaintpaintingsculpture
Subject: Chloe Wise
Title: Self-Solving
The Enigmatic Art of Nicola Tyson
Author: Robert Enright
Date: March 2017
Issue: Volume 36, Number 1 (#141)
Page: 44-57
Section: Interviews   Tags: drawingnicola tysonpainting
Subject: Nicola Tyson
Title: Wanda Koop
Author: Mark Neufeld
Date: December 2016
Issue: Volume 35, Number 4: Sound Film Photography (#140)
Page: 86
Section: Crossovers   Tags: canadian artpaintpaintingwanda koop
Subject: Wanda Koop
Title: The Uncertain Certainty: States of the Art of Painting
David Salle: Bushes With Form
Author: Robert Enright
Date: August 2015
Page: 61-66
Section: Interviews   Tags: david sallepaintpainting
Subject: David Salle
Title: Art Fair Carnivalesque
An Interview with Eric Fischl
Author: Robert Enright
Date: September 2016
Section:   Tags: art faireric fischlpainting
Subject: Eric Fischl
Title: Simmering History
The Recent Paintings of Natalka Husar
Author: Peggy Gale
Date: August 2016
Issue: Volume 35, Number 3: Painting (#139)
Page: 80-85
Section: Articles   Tags: embroiderynatalka husarpaintingpeggy gale
Subject: Natalka Husar
Title: Utterly Undone
Some incomplete thoughts on three unfinished paintings
Author: John Kissick
Date: August 2016
Issue: Volume 35, Number 3: Painting (#139)
Page: 74
Subject: Velázquez; Anton Raphael Mengs; JMW Turner