Index Search Results

Section: Portfolios

107 results

Title: Drawing on Ambiguity
A Portfolio by Ted Barker
Author: Meeka Walsh
Date: March 2017
Issue: Volume 36, Number 1 (#141)
Page: 81-88
Section: Portfolios   Tags: drawingportfolioted barker
Subject: Ted Barker
Title: Looking at Jože Plečnik
Photographs by Geoffrey James
Author: Geoffrey James
Date: June 2016
Issue: Volume 35, Number 2: Art + Architecture (#138)
Page: 106-113
Subject: Jože Plečnik’s architectural works in Slovenia’s capital city Ljubljana
Title: The Roads Are on Fire
A Photo Suite
Author: Michael Campbell
Date: March 2016
Issue: Volume 35, Number 1 (#137)
Page: 80-85
Section: Portfolios   Tags: photography
Subject: Michael Campbell
Title: The Disquieting Strangeness of Being Human
The Drawings of Sophie Jodoin
Author: Sophie Jodoin
Date: March 2015
Issue: Volume 34, Number 1: we are monsters (#133)
Page: 82-87
Section: Portfolios   Tags: charcoal drawingsdrawingssophie jodoin
Subject: Sophie Jodoin
Title: Shades on Ice
A Midwinter Night’s Haunting
Author: Guy Maddin, Noam Gonick, Jonah Corne, Monika Vrečar
Date: March 2015
Issue: Volume 34, Number 1: we are monsters (#133)
Page: 40-45
Date: March 2015
Issue: Volume 34, Number 1: we are monsters (#133)
Page: 68-76
Section: Portfolios   Tags: geoffrey jameskingstonphotography
Title: The Compelling Eye: The Shanghai Photographs of Sam Tata
Author: Robert Enright
Date: July 5, 2013
Page: 48-55
Section: Portfolios   Tags: photographysam tata
Subject: Photographs of Sam Tata
Date: June 2013
Issue: Volume 32, Number 2: Special Venice Issue (#126)
Page: 92-96
Section: Portfolios   Tags: inuitjutai toonoo
Subject: Jutia Toonoo drawing portfolio
Title: Intimacy’s Awkward Beauty, Sarah Anne Johnson
Author: Meeka Walsh
Date: June 2013
Issue: Volume 32, Number 2: Special Venice Issue (#126)
Page: 114
Section: Portfolios
Subject: Sarah Anne Johnson
Title: The Greg Curnoe Bike Project
Author: Paul Butler
Date: December 2011
Issue: Volume 30, Number 4: John Currin (#120)
Page: 60-65
Section: Portfolios
Subject: Paul Butler’s The Greg Curnoe Bike Project
Title: Jessica Eaton: New Work
Date: September 2011
Issue: Volume 30, Number 3: Photography (#119)
Page: 110-117
Section: Portfolios
Subject: Jessica Eaton
Title: Verso
Author: Meggan Gould
Date: December 2008
Issue: Volume 27, Number 4: Photography (#108)
Page: 87-93
Section: Portfolios
Subject: photographs by Meggan Gould
Title: Contamination
Author: Arnaud Maggs
Date: December 2008
Issue: Volume 27, Number 4: Photography (#108)
Page: 80-84
Section: Portfolios
Subject: Arnaud Magg’s “Contamination”
Date: August 2008
Issue: Volume 27, Number 3: Winnipeg (#107)
Page: 168-172
Section: Portfolios
Subject: Noam Gonick’s “No Safe Words”
Title: Land of the Midnight Sons and Daughters
Contemporary Inuit Drawings: Shuvinai Ashoona, Kavavaow Mannomee, Nick Sikkuark
Author: Amy Karlinsky
Date: February 2008
Issue: Volume 27, Number 1: Wangechi Mutu (#105)
Page: 66-83
Section: Portfolios
Subject: Shuvinai Ashoona, Kavavaow Mannomee, Nick Sikkuark
Date: December 2007
Issue: Volume 26, Number 4: Words & Pictures (#104)
Page: 58-67
Section: Portfolios
Subject: Keyhole, collages directed by Guy Maddin
Date: August 2006
Issue: Volume 25, Number 3: Canadian Photo (#99)
Page: 62-71
Section: Portfolios
Subject: The Chernobyl Photographs of David McMillan
Title: The Winnipeg Alphabestiary
The Many and the Marvellous
Author: Meeka Walsh
Date: March 2006
Issue: Volume 25, Number 1: Animal (#97)
Page: 52-85
Section: Portfolios
Title: Steven Shearer: The Poetics of Improvement
Author: Meeka Walsh
Date: November 2005
Issue: Volume 24, Number 4: Strange Beauty (#96)
Page: 64-73
Section: Portfolios
Subject: Steven Shearer
Title: Vestiges
The Photographs of Howard Ursuliak
Author: Meeka Walsh
Date: May 2005
Issue: Volume 24, Number 2: Photography and Video (#94)
Page: 76-81
Section: Portfolios
Subject: Howard Ursuliak