Index Search Results

Author: Greg Beatty

16 results

Title: “Diabolique”
Author: Greg Beatty
Date: March 2010
Issue: Volume 29, Number 1: Performance (#113)
Page: 88-90
Section: Crossovers
Subject: “Diabolique: Part I” and “Diabolique: Part II” at Dunlop Art Gallery in Regina
Title: David Garneau
Author: Greg Beatty
Date: February 2003
Issue: Volume 22, Number 1: William Wegman (#85)
Page: 64-65
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: “David Garneau: Peripheral Paintings” at the Rosemont Art Gallery in Regina
Title: The Weyburn Project
Author: Greg Beatty
Date: November 2002
Issue: Volume 21, Number 4: Natural Reflections (#84)
Page: 82-84
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: “The Weyburn Project,” a site-specific performance using the building founded as The Weyburn Mental Hospital in Weyburn, SK.
Title: The Uncanny: Experiments in Cyborg Culture
Author: Greg Beatty
Date: May 2002
Issue: Volume 21, Number 2: Ralph Gibson (#82)
Page: 81-83
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: “The Uncanny: Experiments in Cyborg Culture” at the Vancouver Art Gallery
Title: “Spektator”: Rough Harmonies
Author: Greg Beatty
Date: August 2001
Issue: Volume 20, Number 3: Allan McCollum (#79)
Page: 74-75
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: “Spektator” presented by New Dance Horizons at the Globe Theatre in Regina
Title: Cocktails for the Millennium
Author: Greg Beatty
Date: February 2001
Issue: Volume 20, Number 1: Noam Gonick (#77)
Page: 67-69
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: “Space Camp 2000: Uncertainty, Speculative Fictions and Art” at the Dunlop Gallery in Regina
Title: The Archaeology of Beauty: Recent Paintings by Sky Glabush
Author: Greg Beatty
Date: November 2000
Issue: Volume 19, Number 4: Nancy Spero (#76)
Page: 84-86
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: “Sky Glabush: The Lotus Eaters” at the MacKenzie Art Gallery in Regina
Title: Cuteographies
Author: Greg Beatty
Date: February 2000
Issue: Volume 19, Number 1: Jeff Wall (#73)
Page: 77-78
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: “Fluffy,” an exhibition at the Dunlop Art Gallery in Regina
Title: Round Legs, Square Wholes
Author: Greg Beatty
Date: August 1999
Issue: Volume 18, Number 3: Diana Shearwood (#71)
Page: 74-75
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: “New Round and Square Dances,” performed by Horizons at the Globe Theatre
Title: Jarrymandering
Author: Greg Beatty
Date: January 1999
Issue: Volume 18, Number 1: The Built World (#69)
Page: 72-73
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: The Curtain Razor’s Theatre Company production of “Ubu Roi,” performed in Regina at the MacKenzie Art Gallery
Title: Small Dichotomies
Author: Greg Beatty
Date: October 1998
Issue: Volume 17, Number 4: On Photography (#68)
Page: 60-61
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: “Little Worlds” at the Dunlop Art Gallery in Regina
Title: Still Dreaming After All These Fears
Author: Greg Beatty
Date: February 1998
Issue: Volume 17, Number 1: The Body: Gay and Straight (#65)
Page: 67-69
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: “Joey Morgan: The Man Who Waits and Sleeps While I Dream,” at the MacKenzie Art Gallery
Title: Remembrance of Beauty’s Past
Author: Greg Beatty
Date: May 1997
Issue: Volume 16, Number 2: Ignacio Iturria (#62)
Page: 64-65
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: Arthur McKay, “McKay: A Critical Retrospective” at the MacKenzie Art Gallery in Regina
Title: Hope Nest
Author: Greg Beatty
Date: February 1997
Issue: Volume 16, Number 1: The Nature of Things (#61)
Page: 52-53
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: “Reconstructing Identity: Latvian Women Artists” was on exhibition at the Mackenzie Art Gallery in Regina
Title: Would the Real Art Please Stand Up
Author: Greg Beatty
Date: May 1996
Issue: Volume 15, Number 2: Taras Polataiko (#58)
Page: 52-53
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: “Ann Harbuz: Inside Community, Outside Convention,” at Dunlop Art Gallery
Title: Tracing a Ghostly Dance
Author: Greg Beatty
Date: July 1991
Issue: Volume 10, Number 3: Larry Towell (#39)
Page: 30-31
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: “The Trace of the Ghost Dance” curated by Cindy Richmond for the Mackenzie Gallery in Regina