Index Search Results
186 results
Double Jeopardy: “To Live on The Moon” written and directed by Marcel Dzama
Author: Robert Enright
Author: Robert Enright
Section: Bordercolumns
Section: Bordercolumns
The Artfully Talented Mr. Ripley’s “Ripley”
A Netflix TV series, 8 Episodes, 2024, written and directed by Steven Zaillian
Author: Robert Enright
A Netflix TV series, 8 Episodes, 2024, written and directed by Steven Zaillian
Author: Robert Enright
Section: Bordercolumns
Who Are You, Polly Maggoo?
a photo novel by William Klein, 2023, a film directed by William Klein, 1966
Author: Robert Enright
a photo novel by William Klein, 2023, a film directed by William Klein, 1966
Author: Robert Enright
Section: Bordercolumns
Against Silence: All the Beauty and the Bloodshed, directed by Laura Poitras
Author: Robert Enright
Author: Robert Enright
Section: Bordercolumns
Beautiful Winners Hallelujah: Leonard Cohen, A Journey, A Song
directed by Dayna Goldfine and Dan Geller
Author: Robert Enright
directed by Dayna Goldfine and Dan Geller
Author: Robert Enright
Date: October 2022
Issue: Volume 41, Number 2: Issue on Documentary: “HERE’S LOOKING AT YOU” (#160)
Page: 30-31
Issue: Volume 41, Number 2: Issue on Documentary: “HERE’S LOOKING AT YOU” (#160)
Page: 30-31
Section: Bordercolumns
Weed Killer Into the Weeds: Dewayne “Lee” Johnson vs. Monsanto Company
directed and written by Jennifer Baichwal
Author: Robert Enright
directed and written by Jennifer Baichwal
Author: Robert Enright
Section: Bordercolumns
Subject: Monsanto
Bad Luck Banging, Great Luck Filming
Bad Luck Banging or Loony Porn, directed by Radu Jude
Author: Robert Enright
Bad Luck Banging or Loony Porn, directed by Radu Jude
Author: Robert Enright
Section: Bordercolumns
Damage Control
Hemingway, a film in three episodes by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick
Author: Robert Enright
Hemingway, a film in three episodes by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick
Author: Robert Enright
Section: Bordercolumns
Cinema Like the Music
“Love Is The Message, The Message Is Death” directed by Arthur Jafa
Author: Robert Enright
“Love Is The Message, The Message Is Death” directed by Arthur Jafa
Author: Robert Enright
Date: November 2020
Issue: Volume 39, Number 3 (#155)
Issue: Volume 39, Number 3 (#155)
Section: Bordercolumns
Subject: Arthur Jafa
Subject: Andy Warhol
Words About Pictures
‘Aperture Conversations: 1985 to the Present’ Edited by Melissa Harris and Michael Famighetti
Author: Robert Enright
‘Aperture Conversations: 1985 to the Present’ Edited by Melissa Harris and Michael Famighetti
Author: Robert Enright
Section: Bordercolumns
Tags: aperture
Subject: Aperture Conversations
The Best Damn Way to Write History “Mike Wallace Is Here,” directed by Avi Belkin
Author: Robert Enright
Author: Robert Enright
Date: September 2019
Issue: Volume 38, Number 3: Painting (#151)
Issue: Volume 38, Number 3: Painting (#151)
Subject: The Best Damn Way to Write History _Mike Wallace Is Here_, directed by Avi Belkin
The City of Mything Persons
Tales from the Winnipeg Film Group, directed by Kevin Nikkel and Dave Barber
Author: Robert Enright
Tales from the Winnipeg Film Group, directed by Kevin Nikkel and Dave Barber
Author: Robert Enright
Date: May 2019
Issue: Volume 38, Number 2 (#150)
Issue: Volume 38, Number 2 (#150)
Section: Bordercolumns
Tags: arthur kroeker bob lower bruce duggan caroline monnet curtis wiebe danishka esterhazy darryl nepinak dave barbar david arnason deco dawson elise swerhone film gene walz geoff pevere greg hanec greg klymkiw guy maddin jeff erbach john kozak john paizs kevin nikkel lorri millan matthew rankin mike hoolbloom national film board noam gonick piers handling rhayne vermette ryan mckenna sean garrity shawna dempsey shereen jerrett sol nagler tales from the winnipeg film group toronto international film festival tracy traeger video winnipeg film group
Subject: The City of Mything Persons
Angelic Order
Barbara Rubin & the exploding NY Underground Directed by Chuck Smith
Author: Robert Enright
Barbara Rubin & the exploding NY Underground Directed by Chuck Smith
Author: Robert Enright
Subject: Angelic Order
What More Is There to Say?
“Anthropocene: The Human Epoch,” directed by Jennifer Baichwal, Nicholas de Pencier and Edward Burtynsky, 126 minutes, 2018
Author: Robert Enright
“Anthropocene: The Human Epoch,” directed by Jennifer Baichwal, Nicholas de Pencier and Edward Burtynsky, 126 minutes, 2018
Author: Robert Enright
Subject: edward burtynsky
The Destiny of Pictures: The Donald’s Hollywood on the Potomac
Destiny films presents ‘North Korea Singapore Summit Video,’ Directed by Donald Trump, produced by the National Security Council
Author: Robert Enright
Destiny films presents ‘North Korea Singapore Summit Video,’ Directed by Donald Trump, produced by the National Security Council
Author: Robert Enright
Subject: Donald Trump
The Impossibilist
Final Portrait, Written and Directed by Stanley Tucci
Author: Robert Enright
Final Portrait, Written and Directed by Stanley Tucci
Author: Robert Enright
Subject: A Giacometti Portrait
Notes on a Celluloid Gold Mine
Dawson City: Frozen Time, directed by Bill Morrison
Author: Robert Enright
Dawson City: Frozen Time, directed by Bill Morrison
Author: Robert Enright
Subject: Dawson City: Frozen Time
Painting by Numbers
“Loving Vincent,” directed by Dorota Kobiela and Hugh Welchman
Author: Robert Enright
“Loving Vincent,” directed by Dorota Kobiela and Hugh Welchman
Author: Robert Enright
Subject: Loving Vincent, directed by Dorota Kobiela and Hugh Welchman