Index Search Results
146 results
Section: Bordernotes, Editorials
Subject: 18th-century French writer, Joseph Joubert; Winnipeg, the city of ideas
Section: Bordernotes, Editorials
Subject: photography
Section: Bordernotes, Editorials
Subject: Giuliana Bruno’s “Public Intimacy: Architecture and the Visual Arts”; Louise Bourgeois’s “Femme-Maison”; Bruno Taut architecture
Section: Bordernotes, Editorials
Subject: the Group of Seven and the landscape
Section: Bordernotes, Editorials
Subject: poetry, languange, and time; Abraham Joshua Heschel’s “The Sabbath”
Measurement and the Missing Subject
Author: Meeka Walsh
Author: Meeka Walsh
Section: Bordernotes, Editorials
Subject: Vittorio Gregotti’s “Inside Architecture”
The Galvanic Twitch: Frankenstein Machines
Author: Meeka Walsh
Author: Meeka Walsh
Section: Bordernotes, Editorials
Subject: Jean Tinguely, Stelarc, art and the machine
A Doubter Not a Joiner, I
Author: Meeka Walsh
Author: Meeka Walsh
Date: November 2006
Issue: Volume 25, Number 4: Malcolm Morley (#100)
Issue: Volume 25, Number 4: Malcolm Morley (#100)
Section: Bordernotes, Editorials
Subject: Christopher Hitchen’s “Letters to a Young Contrarian”; Cynthis Ozick’s “A Din in the Head”
My Dad and His Buddies: A Photograph
Author: Meeka Walsh
Author: Meeka Walsh
Section: Bordernotes, Editorials
Subject: photography, Walter Benjamin and Roland Barthes; Mary Price’s “The Photograph: A Strange Confined Space”
Desire and Art on the Inside Track
Author: Meeka Walsh
Author: Meeka Walsh
Section: Bordernotes, Editorials
Subject: “Sex, Objects, Art and the Dialeectics of Desire” by Jennifer Doyle; Manet’s “Olympia” and Titian’s “Venus of Urbino”
On Being, and Becoming
Author: Meeka Walsh
Author: Meeka Walsh
Section: Bordernotes, Editorials
Subject: Elizabeth Costello, J.M. Coetzee and animal rights; Mark Dion’s “Becoming Animal”; Steve Baker’s “The Postmodern Animal”
Singing the Rapturous Self
Author: Meeka Walsh
Author: Meeka Walsh
Section: Bordernotes, Editorials
Subject: the poetry of Sharon Olds
All of a Piece: Nature, Art and Beauty
Author: Meeka Walsh
Author: Meeka Walsh
Section: Bordernotes, Editorials
Subject: art, nature and beatuy; Arthur Danto’s “The Abuse of Beauty,” Immanuel Kant, and the paintings of April Gornik
Out of Place
Author: Meeka Walsh
Author: Meeka Walsh
Section: Bordernotes, Editorials
Subject: assimilation and Jews in Europe in Canada during the world wars
Knitting to the Close
Author: Meeka Walsh
Author: Meeka Walsh
Section: Bordernotes, Editorials
Subject: life, death and digression
Section: Bordernotes, Editorials
Subject: “What Painting Is” by James Elkins; painting and time; Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot
Severed Lines
Author: Meeka Walsh
Author: Meeka Walsh
Section: Bordernotes, Reviews
Subject: “The Voice of Memory,” a series of interviews with Primo Levi; memory, storytelling and the mechanics of writing
The Sublime Mr. M. (Steve Martin, Again)
Author: Meeka Walsh
Author: Meeka Walsh
Section: Bordernotes, Editorials
Subject: “The Pleasure of My Company” by Steve Martin