Index Search Results

Author: Meeka Walsh

239 results

Title: Fancy Dancer: Leon Golub 1922-2004
Author: Meeka Walsh, Robert Enright
Date: August 2004
Issue: Volume 23, Number 3: Paint (#91)
Page: 20-21
Section: Bordercolumns
Subject: Leon Golub
Title: Time and Paint
Author: Meeka Walsh
Date: August 2004
Issue: Volume 23, Number 3: Paint (#91)
Page: 6-7
Subject: “What Painting Is” by James Elkins; painting and time; Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot
Title: Fashionable Wanting
Author: Meeka Walsh
Date: May 2004
Issue: Volume 23, Number 2: Beauty: Photography and Fashion (#90)
Page: 6-7
Title: Caroline Dukes: Building Light
Author: Meeka Walsh
Date: February 2004
Issue: Volume 23, Number 1: Remember There's A War Out There (#89)
Page: 69-74
Section: Articles
Subject: Caroline Dukes
Title: Severed Lines
Author: Meeka Walsh
Date: February 2004
Issue: Volume 23, Number 1: Remember There's A War Out There (#89)
Page: 6-7
Section: Bordernotes, Reviews
Subject: “The Voice of Memory,” a series of interviews with Primo Levi; memory, storytelling and the mechanics of writing
Title: The Sublime Mr. M. (Steve Martin, Again)
Author: Meeka Walsh
Date: November 2003
Issue: Volume 22, Number 4: PAINT (#88)
Page: 6-7
Subject: “The Pleasure of My Company” by Steve Martin
Title: What’s Up, Doc?
Author: Meeka Walsh
Date: August 2003
Issue: Volume 22, Number 3: Drawing A Fine Line (#87)
Page: 6-7
Subject: hares in art, Joseph Beuys and Albrecht Dürer
Title: Out of Ink Blackness
Author: Meeka Walsh
Date: May 2003
Issue: Volume 22, Number 2: George Condo (#86)
Page: 6-7
Subject: sight and seeing, photography and architecture
Title: Words Like Bombs
Author: Meeka Walsh
Date: February 2003
Issue: Volume 22, Number 1: William Wegman (#85)
Page: 6-7
Section: Bordernotes
Subject: the power of language, Franz Kafka, Gustav Janouch, and the poetry of Carolyn Forché
Title: A Frankenstein Poignancy: The Pieced and Painted World of Alexis Rockman
Author: Meeka Walsh
Date: November 2002
Issue: Volume 21, Number 4: Natural Reflections (#84)
Page: 44-59
Section: Articles
Subject: Alexis Rockman
Title: She Is Not Amused
Author: Meeka Walsh
Date: November 2002
Issue: Volume 21, Number 4: Natural Reflections (#84)
Page: 10-11
Section: Bordernotes
Subject: Lee Miller, Lou Andreas-Salomé, and “The Lives of Muses: Nine Women & The Artists They Inspired” by Francine Prose
Title: Memory a Moth
Author: Meeka Walsh
Date: August 2002
Issue: Volume 21, Number 3: Figures and Faces (#83)
Page: 6-7
Section: Bordernotes
Subject: childhood, memory, and “Austerlitz” by W.G. Sebald and
Title: Veiled Thoughts
Author: Meeka Walsh
Date: May 2002
Issue: Volume 21, Number 2: Ralph Gibson (#82)
Page: 6-7
Section: Bordernotes
Subject: modernity and dreams
Title: Where the use of yellow…
Author: Meeka Walsh
Date: February 2002
Issue: Volume 21, Number 1: William Kentridge (#81)
Page: 6-7
Section: Bordernotes
Subject: the use of the colour yellow in Eric Fischl’s “Girl with Doll”
Title: Hooked, Lines and Sinking
Author: Meeka Walsh
Date: November 2001
Issue: Volume 20, Number 4: David Urban (#80)
Page: 6-7
Subject: “Addicted, Notes from the Belly of the Beast” by Lorna Crozier and Patrick Lane; “Antonin Artaud, Selected Writings”
Title: Iffy: Thoughts on Writing
Author: Meeka Walsh
Date: August 2001
Issue: Volume 20, Number 3: Allan McCollum (#79)
Page: 10-11
Subject: writing about art
Date: May 2001
Issue: Volume 20, Number 2: Canadians in Venice (#78)
Page: 22-35
Subject: Janet Cardiff and George Bures Miller
Title: Nacre and Candlesmoke, Venice on My Mind
Author: Meeka Walsh
Date: May 2001
Issue: Volume 20, Number 2: Canadians in Venice (#78)
Page: 8-9
Subject: Venice
Title: Uncovered Agents, Privacy Exposed
Author: Meeka Walsh
Date: February 2001
Issue: Volume 20, Number 1: Noam Gonick (#77)
Page: 6-7
Subject: Charmaine Wheatley, women and performance
Title: Mourning Becomes Eclectic
Author: Meeka Walsh
Date: May 1998
Issue: Volume 19, Number 4: Nancy Spero (#76)
Page: 72-73
Section: Reviews
Subject: “Roy Arden,” an exhibition organized and circulated by the Art Gallery of York University and the Morris & Helen Belkin Gallery