Index Search Results

Author: Christopher Brayshaw

13 results

Title: Exponential Future
Author: Christopher Brayshaw
Date: May 2008
Issue: Volume 27, Number 2: Ed Ruscha (#106)
Page: 105-107
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: “Exponential Future,” curated by Juan Gaitan and Scott Watson, at the Morris and Helen Belkin Gallery in Vancouver
Title: Alain Paiement
Author: Christopher Brayshaw
Date: May 2004
Issue: Volume 23, Number 2: Beauty: Photography and Fashion (#90)
Page: 85-87
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: “Alain Paiement: Living Chaos” at North Vancouver’s Presentation House Gallery
Title: Douglas Gordon
Author: Christopher Brayshaw
Date: August 2002
Issue: Volume 21, Number 3: Figures and Faces (#83)
Page: 101-103
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: “Douglas Gordon” organized by MOCA, Los Angeles, at the Vancouver Art Gallery
Title: Photography against itself: On Arni Haraldsson
Author: Christopher Brayshaw
Date: May 2002
Issue: Volume 21, Number 2: Ralph Gibson (#82)
Page: 60-66
Section: Articles
Subject: Arni Haraldsson
Title: Neil Wedman and Joanne Tod: Spitting Images
Author: Christopher Brayshaw
Date: August 2001
Issue: Volume 20, Number 3: Allan McCollum (#79)
Page: 62-63
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: Neil Wedman’s “Plays” and Joanne Tod’s “Lot Full” on display at Vancouver’s Equinox Gallery
Title: Techno Hectoring: David Rokeby’s Installations
Author: Christopher Brayshaw
Date: May 2001
Issue: Volume 20, Number 2: Canadians in Venice (#78)
Page: 135-136
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: David Rokby’s installations “Watch” and “The Giver of Names” on display at North Vancouver’s Presentation House Gallery
Title: Kitsch Salon
Author: Christopher Brayshaw
Date: May 2000
Issue: Volume 19, Number 2: On Work (#74)
Page: 790-80
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: “Gregory Credson: Disturbed Nature” at Vancouver’s Charles H. Scott Gallery
Title: Thought Structures
Author: Christopher Brayshaw
Date: February 2000
Issue: Volume 19, Number 1: Jeff Wall (#73)
Page: 63-64
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: “Shape,” by Daniel Congdon, at Vanouver’s Contemporary Art Gallery
Title: Vacant Terrain
Author: Christopher Brayshaw
Date: January 1999
Issue: Volume 18, Number 1: The Built World (#69)
Page: 62-63
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: Dick Averns’s “Luxury Avenue” and Khai Foo’s “Still” at Vancouver’s Third Avenue Gallery
Title: Border Histories
Author: Christopher Brayshaw
Date: October 1998
Issue: Volume 17, Number 4: On Photography (#68)
Page: 66-68
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: Geoffrey James’s “Running Fence” at Presentation House Gallery in North Vancouver
Title: Blind Time: Ken Lum’s Photo-Mirrors
Author: Christopher Brayshaw
Date: November 1997
Issue: Volume 16, Number 4: Robert Frank (#64)
Page: 42-45
Section: Articles
Subject: Ken Lum’s Photo-Mirrors
Title: In the Zone
Author: Christopher Brayshaw
Date: November 1996
Issue: Volume 15, Number 4: Remembering of Things Past (#60)
Page: 57-58
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: An exhibition of photographs, by David McMillan, of the Chernobyl evacuation zone, at the Blue Sky Gallery in Portland, Oregon
Title: Shadow Landscapes
Author: Christopher Brayshaw
Date: July 1996
Issue: Volume 15, Number 3: Photographies (#59)
Page: 59-61
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: “Fred Douglas. Menu for Sunset: An Apparent Story” at the Surrey Art Gallery