Mute Ability: Janet Werner Changes the Face of Portraiture
From Flesh to Stone: The Photography of Ralph Gibson
View Finder: The Photography of Geoffrey James
Mirror, Mirror in the Hand, Who’s Most Reflected in All the Land: Dominique Rey
Kim Adams
The Archaeology of Landscape: Paintings of Michael Smith
Pleasure Principals: The Art of Janet Cardiff and George Bures Miller
Janet Cardiff and George Bures Miller have created, each in their particular way, a contemporary version of son et lumière. Not for the sake of spectacle, although the theatrical is a tool they find engaging and functional, having used it to good effect in many of their pieces. In fact, Janet Cardiff’s voice in your ears, winding through your cochlea, insinuating itself thoroughly into your cognitive operations, is as theatrical an event as the average person would wish to experience.
The Death of Irony: AA Bronson
William Eakin: Have a Nice Day
Painting, the Fame Game
A Model Artist, Observations on Art and Play from Kim Adams
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