Larissa Tiggelers
Surveillance Fantasies On Michael Klier’s Der Riese
Surveillance may thrive in secrecy, but it is no secret that forces of mass monitoring loom large over our world, facilitated by the rise of digital technology and the Internet, where we leave countless electronic traces of ourselves every day.
Even as the Falcon Plummets
The Body’s Mystery and Journey
Beautiful Winners Hallelujah: Leonard Cohen, A Journey, A Song
Bunny + Tree = Bunnies and Trees
Kids R’nt Us
Writing, Itself
The Contradictorian
Barry Schwabsky’s PictureLibrary: Oblique Strategies
The Art of Forensics
Charlene Vickers and Faye HeavyShield
Vancouver’s Contemporary Art Gallery’s (CAG) pairing of two solo shows, “Ancestor Gesture” by Charlene Vickers and “New Work” by Faye HeavyShield, appeared, on first viewing, strangely unequal.
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