Lines in the Snow
Zachari Logan was a feature interview in Border Crossings’ Body Issue #158. Most recently, Logan has curated “Lines in the Snow: Contemporary Canadian Drawing”, which opened February 24th at New Art Projects in London. The show looks at drawings describing the intersection of ecology, indigeneity, sexuality, race, and technology. Zachari Logan expresses his connection to the project saying:
“As curator, and drawer myself, my interest in presenting a survey of fellow contemporary artists working in drawing, is in part, to highlight differences in method, cultural practice and exploration; while calling attention to similarities across vast territories. Canada as a state is the second largest on Earth. At the same time, it has a low population density. As Canadians, we live across broad and nearing distances, be they of the body, mind or culture. Time and space it can be said, are an artist’s gold. In emphasizing this abundance of space, both physical and psychological, “Lines In The Snow”, exist like those on paper or any surface, be they territorial, treaty or provincial borders; historical accounts, languages, cultural practices or personal histories.”

Zachari Logan, Eunuch Tapestry No. 5 (detail), 2015. Issue #158.

A number of the artists featured in Lines in the Snow have been included in Border Crossings. Here is a brief look at their previous coverage:
The Story So Far: An Interview with Stephen Andrews - Issue #120, December 2011

Stephen Andrews, Stadium, 2009, oil on canvas, 72 x 96”. Collection of the Royal Bank of Canada, Toronto. All images courtesy the artist and Paul Petro Contemporary Art, Toronto. Issue #120.

Addicted to Drawing: An Interview with Alison Norlen - Issue #115, December 2010
Skeletons of Memory: Alison Norlen - Issue #125, March 2013
Art Page - Alison Norlen - Issue 82, May 2002

Alison Norlen, Float I, 2001, detail 7 1/2 x 22’, charcoal on paper. Partial ArtPage from issue #82.

Artifactotems:// Drawings of Ted Barker - Issue #124, December 2012
Drawing on Ambiguity: A Portfolio by Ted Barker - Issue #141, March 2017

Ted Barker, Pink Coat, 2015, watercolour, carbon pencil, chalk pencil. Issue #141.

Drawing in the Cold: Annie Pootoogook and Jutai Toonoo - Issue #115, September 2010
Face Value: The Drawings of Jutai Toonoo - Issue #126, June 2013
An Obsession with Form: Body into Landscape - Portfolio by Jutai Toonoo - Issue #158, January 2022

Jutai Toonoo, The Fat Lady, 2011, oil stick, 50 x 65 cm. Photo: David Hannan. © Dorset Fine Art. Issue #158.

The Beautiful Lament: An Interview with Wanda Koop - Issue #151, September 2019
The Beauty of Longing: A Conversation with Wanda Koop - Issue #60, November 1996
Picturing Cross-References: The Transformative Art of Wanda Koop - Issue #20, September 1986
Fine Lines - August 2015 Borderview on Wanda Koop - Issue #135, August 2015

Wanda Koop, Sky-Line, 2015, acrylic, canvas on stretcher, 30 x 40 inches. Image courtesy the artist. Issue #135.
Lines in the Snow: Contemporary Canadian Drawing at New Art Projects, London runs from February 24 - April 30, 2022.