Index Search Results

Section: Articles

551 results

Title: Bridging Sonic Cultures, Tibetan Opera in Winnipeg
Author: Michael Oesterle
Date: November 2000
Issue: Volume 19, Number 4: Nancy Spero (#76)
Page: 52-54
Section: Articles
Subject: Tibetan Opera in WInnipeg, photographs by William Eakin
Title: Dispiriting Nature: The Work of Eldon Garnet and Geneviève Cadieux
Author: Martha Langford
Date: November 2000
Issue: Volume 19, Number 4: Nancy Spero (#76)
Page: 36-41
Section: Articles
Subject: Eldon Garnet and Geneviève Cadieux
Title: Snow by Degrees: Michael Snow’s Photographic Work
Author: Martha Langford
Date: August 2000
Issue: Volume 19, Number 3: Steve Martin (#75)
Page: 59-63
Section: Articles
Subject: Michael Snow
Title: Moving Pictures: UK/Canadian Video
Author: Catherine Elwes
Date: August 2000
Issue: Volume 19, Number 3: Steve Martin (#75)
Page: 52-56
Section: Articles
Subject: “UK/Canadian Video Exchange,” curated by Lisa Steele, Stephan St. Laurent, Catherine Elwes, and Maggie Warwick
Title: The work is done while you sleep: The Enigmatic Methods of Edith Dekyndt
Author: Rodney LaTourelle
Date: May 2000
Issue: Volume 19, Number 2: On Work (#74)
Page: 34-37
Section: Articles
Subject: Edith Dekyndt
Title: Antony Gormley, One Moment after Another
Author: Gary Michael Dault
Date: February 2000
Issue: Volume 19, Number 1: Jeff Wall (#73)
Page: 54-58
Section: Articles
Subject: Antony Gormley
Title: Lori Freedman, The Bass and the Restless
Author: Randal McIlroy
Date: May 1999
Issue: Volume 18, Number 2: Abstractions (#70)
Page: 48-51
Section: Articles
Subject: Lori Freedman
Title: Marked By Lightning, The Paintings of Jim Clark
Author: N.E. Sjoman
Date: May 1999
Issue: Volume 18, Number 2: Abstractions (#70)
Page: 44-47
Section: Articles
Subject: Jim Clark
Title: Site on Paradise, Rob Kovitz’s Gimli House
Author: Meeka Walsh
Date: January 1999
Issue: Volume 18, Number 1: The Built World (#69)
Page: 42-45
Section: Articles
Subject: Rob Kovitz’s Gimli House
Title: Poetic Assembling, The Architecture of A.J. Donahue
Author: Neil Minuk
Date: January 1999
Issue: Volume 18, Number 1: The Built World (#69)
Page: 38-40
Section: Articles
Subject: A. J. Donahue
Title: The Same Side of the Mirror
The Photopathology of George Steeves
Author: Edward Morose
Date: October 1998
Issue: Volume 17, Number 4: On Photography (#68)
Page: 55-59
Section: Articles
Subject: George Steeves
Title: Landscapes of Imminence
The Photographs of Brenda Pelkey
Author: Martha Langford
Date: October 1998
Issue: Volume 17, Number 4: On Photography (#68)
Page: 50-54
Section: Articles
Subject: Brenda Pelkey
Title: Richard Dyck, Virtual Apartmentalization
Author: Rob Sauvey
Date: May 1998
Issue: Volume 17, Number 2: Performance Art (#66)
Page: 48-51
Section: Articles
Subject: Richard Dyck
Title: Oriental Pink Lime: The Art of Bhupen Khakar
Author: N.E. Sjoman
Date: February 1998
Issue: Volume 17, Number 1: The Body: Gay and Straight (#65)
Page: 40-43
Section: Articles
Subject: Bhupen Khakar
Title: Haring Bones: Rattling the Career of Keith Haring
Author: Tony Luppino
Date: February 1998
Issue: Volume 17, Number 1: The Body: Gay and Straight (#65)
Page: 28-32
Section: Articles
Subject: Keith Haring
Title: Westward Ho: The Internationalization of China’s New Art
Author: Ralph Crozier
Date: November 1997
Issue: Volume 16, Number 4: Robert Frank (#64)
Page: 52-55
Section: Articles
Subject: Chinese New Wave Art in Vancouver
Title: Momentary Madeness: The Art of Claudia Cuesta
Author: Robin Laurence
Date: November 1997
Issue: Volume 16, Number 4: Robert Frank (#64)
Page: 46-50
Section: Articles
Subject: Claudia Cuesta
Title: Blind Time: Ken Lum’s Photo-Mirrors
Author: Christopher Brayshaw
Date: November 1997
Issue: Volume 16, Number 4: Robert Frank (#64)
Page: 42-45
Section: Articles
Subject: Ken Lum’s Photo-Mirrors
Title: Enter the Sublime
Author: Gary Michael Dault
Date: August 1997
Issue: Volume 16, Number 3: Landscapes (#63)
Page: 45-47
Section: Articles
Subject: Christian Eckart, and the exhibition, “Disturbing Abstractions”
Title: Interlacer: The Delicate Confrontations of Ann Mandelebaum
Author: Martha Langford
Date: August 1997
Issue: Volume 16, Number 3: Landscapes (#63)
Page: 30-33
Section: Articles
Subject: Ann Mandelbaum