Robert Rauschenberg
Dualité/Duality: Mélanie Rocan and Shaun Morin
Tony Tascona
Malcolm Morley: The Principal of Uncertainty
“Image and Inscription: An Anthology of Contemporary Canadian Photography,” edited by Robert Bean
Jack Burman
Richard Hines
Shayne Ehman
“Body: New Art from the UK”
Curated by Bruce Grenville and Colin Ledwith, “Body: New Art from the UK,” brought together 12 works that explore notions of identity in relation to the physical form. The artists featured in this exhibition included, Gillian Wearing, Carey Young, Rebecca Warren, Tracey Emin, Cornelia Parker, Tacita Dean, Cathy Wilkes, Sarah Lucas, Jake and Dinos Chapman, Martin Boyce, Douglas Gordon, and Sam Taylor Wood.
Nicholas Baier
Henrick Håkansson and Eadweard J. Muybridge
Sarah Anne Johnson and Shaan Syed
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