Robert Frank

Mabou, 2008, © Robert Frank
November 9, 1924 to September 9, 2019
Just last week, a quick response to the arrival of the book Robert Frank, good days quiet, (Steidl 2019) in our Border Crossings office — an enormous pleasure, another collaborative bookwork arranged by Robert Frank and Gerhard Steidl. Like everyone who was engaged by photography, by both its representational limits and its expressive possibilities we, too, cleaved to the rigour of Robert Frank’s sight. Today, sitting at the Evergreen Regional Library in Gimli, Manitoba, looking out through the broad windows of this perfect, modest library, at the dark and restive surface of Lake Winnipeg, an inland ocean, I think of Robert Frank and his wife, the artist June Leaf, who loved their fisherman’s cottage in Mabou, Cape Breton. It seemed to teeter on a cliff high above the Atlantic. I don’t remember seeing one of Robert’s photographs showing the water, blue and twinkling under the sun. It was always grey, full and imminent, like so much of his work. Border Crossings began speaking with Robert Frank in 1997, publishing our first encounter in Mabou with him that fall, just about now, and continued our conversations and visits in person and in print. What follows is some of the record of our abiding regard for the work of this remarkable photographer and friend.
Meeka Walsh, Editor
Robert Frank appears in the following issues of Border Crossings:
Vol 16 No 5 Issue 64 | Interview
Frank Speaking: An Interview with Robert Frank (read in full)
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Vol 32 No 1 Issue 125 | Interview
Possibly, Everything: An Interview with Robert Frank (read in full)
purchase issue
Vol 34 No 4 Issue 136 | Article by Robert Bean
Looking for Desire:The Collaborative Projects of Robert Frank and Gerhard Steidl (read in full)
purchase issue
Vol 35 No 4 Issue 140 | Bordercolumn
The Portable Robert Frank Robert Frank: Film Works (read in full)
purchase issue
Vol 27 No 4 Issue 108 | Bordercolumn
Deus Ex Filmica: The Films of Robert Frank (read in full)
purchase issue