Index Search Results

Author: Birk Sproxton

24 results

Title: Dressing Up, Dressing Down
Author: Birk Sproxton
Date: May 2000
Issue: Volume 19, Number 2: On Work (#74)
Page: 81-82
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: “Dressing Up for the Carnival,” by Carol Shields
Title: Gathering Moss
Author: Birk Sproxton
Date: August 1999
Issue: Volume 18, Number 3: Diana Shearwood (#71)
Page: 62-63
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: “The Paradox of Meaning: Cultural Poetics and Critical FIctions” by John Moss
Title: A Kiss and a Wink
Author: Birk Sproxton
Date: January 1999
Issue: Volume 18, Number 1: The Built World (#69)
Page: 77-78
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: “Kiss of the Fur Queen” by Tomson Highway
Title: Tradition and Mischief in Alberta
Author: Birk Sproxton
Date: October 1998
Issue: Volume 17, Number 4: On Photography (#68)
Page: 68-70
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: “The Literary History of Alberta. Volume One: From Writing-on-Stone to World War Two” by George Melnyk
Title: The First Lady, Transformed
Author: Birk Sproxton
Date: February 1998
Issue: Volume 17, Number 1: The Body: Gay and Straight (#65)
Page: 48-49
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: “The Life of Margaret Laurence” by James King
Title: Making News
Author: Birk Sproxton
Date: August 1997
Issue: Volume 16, Number 3: Landscapes (#63)
Page: 69-70
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: “Active Trading: Selected Poems, 1970-1995” by Gary Geddes
Title: Wordbursts in the Sun
Author: Birk Sproxton
Date: May 1997
Issue: Volume 16, Number 2: Ignacio Iturria (#62)
Page: 66-67
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: “Sunfall: New and Selected Poems, 1980-1996” by Dennis Cooley
Title: Travels with Self
Author: Birk Sproxton
Date: November 1996
Issue: Volume 15, Number 4: Remembering of Things Past (#60)
Page: 62-64
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: “Self: A Novel” by Yann Martel
Title: Lesser is Moral
Author: Birk Sproxton
Date: July 1996
Issue: Volume 15, Number 3: Photographies (#59)
Page: 65-66
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: “A Year of Lesser” by David Bergen
Title: Civilization and Its Malcontents
Author: Birk Sproxton
Date: January 1995
Issue: Volume 14, Number 1: Circus Carnival Cabaret Part II (#53)
Page: 77-79
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: “Civilization and Its Part in My Downfall” by Paul Quarrington
Title: Eating and Empire: An Anatomy
Author: Birk Sproxton
Date: November 1994
Issue: Volume 13, Number 4: Circus Carnival Cabaret Part I (#52)
Page: 68-70
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: “A Discovery of Strangers” by Rudy Wiebe
Title: Making Stranger Music
Author: Birk Sproxton
Date: April 1994
Issue: Volume 13, Number 2: Robert Wilson (#50)
Page: 52-53
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: “Stranger Music: Selected Poems and Songs” by Leonard Cohen
Title: To Make the Stones Stony
Author: Birk Sproxton
Date: January 1994
Issue: Volume 13, Number 1: The Art of Construction Part II (#49)
Page: 52-53
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: “The Stone Diaries” by Carol Shields
Title: Dear Margaret, Dear Al
Author: Birk Sproxton
Date: October 1993
Issue: Volume 12, Number 4: The Art of Construction Part I (#48)
Page: 70-72
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: “Margaret Laurence- Al Purdy: A Friendship in Letters” edited by John Lennox
Title: To Play in Paradise
Author: Birk Sproxton
Date: February 1993
Issue: Volume 12, Number 1: Doug Melnyk (#45)
Page: 52-53
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: “The Puppeteer” by Robert Kroetsch
Title: Writing Beyond Borders
Author: Birk Sproxton
Date: December 1992
Issue: Volume 11, Number 4: First Nations Art & Culture (#44)
Page: 72-73
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: “Beyond Borders” anthology of new writing from Manitoba, Minnesota, Saskatchewan and Dakota, ed. Mark Vince, Dave Williamson
Title: Lingering Longer: The Pleasures of the Long Poem
Author: Birk Sproxton
Date: July 1992
Issue: Volume 11, Number 3: Homoeroticism (#43)
Page: 39-41
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: the long poem in Canada
Title: Shaking Loose on the Flatlands
Author: Birk Sproxton
Date: January 1992
Issue: Volume 11, Number 1: Evelyn Hart (#41)
Page: 51-52
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: “Murder in Gutenthal: A Schneppa Knjals” by Armin Wiebe
Title: Word Foxy
Author: Birk Sproxton
Date: November 1991
Issue: Volume 10, Number 4: Art & Technology (#40)
Page: 46-48
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: “Fox” by Margaret Sweatman
Title: Geographies of Hurt
Author: Birk Sproxton
Date: January 1991
Issue: Volume 10, Number 1: Donigan Cumming (#37)
Page: 54-55
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: “Agnes in the Sky” by Di Brandt