Index Search Results

Author: Terrence Heath

35 results

Title: The Artist’s Intention
Author: Terrence Heath
Date: November 1989
Issue: Volume 8, Number 4: Art & Autobiography (#32)
Page: 86-87
Section: Articles
Subject: intentions and circumstances of the artist
Title: No Place Other Than Here
Author: Terrence Heath
Date: October 1988
Issue: Volume 7, Number 4: The Exiled Imagination (#28)
Page: 35-36
Section: Essays
Subject: the poem “Cuento de dos jardines” by Octavio Paz and the invented country as alien terrain
Title: Robert Arneson
Author: Terrence Heath
Date: April 1988
Issue: Volume 7, Number 2: The Royal Winnipeg Ballet (#26)
Page: 32-33
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: An exhibition of the work of Robert Arneson at Dunlop Art Gallery in Regina
Title: The Empty Chair: Figure and Landscape in the Work of Ivan Eyre
Author: Terrence Heath
Date: October 1987
Issue: Volume 6, Number 4: Landscape (#24)
Page: 61-66
Section: Articles
Subject: Ivan Eyre
Title: The Alibis of Kroetsch and Butler
Author: Terrence Heath
Date: July 1987
Issue: Volume 6, Number 3: Robert Kroetsch (#23)
Page: 31-32
Section: Articles
Subject: Robert Kroetsch and Sheila Butler
Title: Another Prairies
Author: Terrence Heath
Date: December 1986
Issue: Volume 6, Number 1: Robert Archambeau (#21)
Page: 28
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: “Another Prairies” an exhibition organized by guest curator, Joan Borsa, for Harbourfront Art Gallery, Toronto, September, 1986
Title: “Dustship Glory” by Andreas Schroeder
Author: Terrence Heath
Date: September 1986
Issue: Volume 5, Number 4: Wanda Koop (#20)
Page: 58
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: “Dustship Glory” by Andreas Schroeder
Title: Drawing a Line: The Art of Michael Olito
Author: Terrence Heath
Date: May 1986
Issue: Volume 5, Number 3: Patrick Treacy (#19)
Page: 22-23
Section: Articles, Borderviews
Subject: Michael Olito
Title: Shadows of Former Selves: The New Work of Marsha Whiddon
Author: Terrence Heath
Date: December 1985
Issue: Volume 5, Number 1: Ron Keenberg (#17)
Page: 46-47
Section: Articles, Borderviews
Subject: Marsha Whiddon
Title: Graffiti on the Wall: Wanda Koop’s Recent Painting
Author: Terrence Heath
Date: September 1985
Issue: Volume 4, Number 4: Mike Olito (#16)
Page: 28-29
Section: Articles
Subject: Wanda Koop’s “The Wall”
Title: Journey/Journée: A Poem for two voices
Author: Terrence Heath
Date: April 1985
Issue: Volume 4, Number 2: Sheila Butler (#14)
Page: 25-37
Section: Poetry
Title: “The Mystic North” by Roald Nasgaard
Author: Terrence Heath
Date: October 1984
Issue: Volume 3, Number 4: Joanne Jackson Johnson (#12)
Page: 35-36
Section: Reviews
Subject: “The Mystic North” by Roald Nasgaard
Title: east is east
Author: Terrence Heath
Date: November 1983
Issue: Volume 3, Number 1: K.J. Butler (#9)
Page: 64
Section: Poetry
Title: The Lament of Madelaine Dumont, July 1885
Author: Terrence Heath
Date: December 1, 1978
Issue: Volume 1, Numbers 3 and 4: Special Double Issue 3 & 4 (#4)
Section: Poetry
Title: Image Space/Space Image: K.J. Butler at the WAG
Author: Terrence Heath
Date: December 1, 1978
Issue: Volume 1, Numbers 3 and 4: Special Double Issue 3 & 4 (#4)
Page: 82-84
Section: Reviews
Subject: K.J. Butler