Index Search Results

Section: Portfolios

107 results

Title: Weaving Through Art History
Author: Miranda Jones
Date: July 1989
Issue: Volume 8, Number 3: John Hall (#31)
Page: 46-49
Section: Articles, Portfolios
Subject: Ann Newdigate Mills
Title: Strange Attractor: The Photographs of William Eakin
Date: March 1989
Issue: Volume 8, Number 2: Film & Photography (#30)
Page: 29-36
Section: Portfolios
Subject: William Eakin
Title: The World Going On Without Us: The Photographs of Laura Letinsky
Author: Meeka Walsh
Date: January 1989
Issue: Volume 8, Number 1: Andrew Valko (#29)
Page: 39-44
Section: Portfolios
Subject: Laura Letinsky photography
Title: Black and White Light: The Photographs of Suzanne Gauthier
Author: Hilary Michaels
Date: October 1988
Issue: Volume 7, Number 4: The Exiled Imagination (#28)
Page: 56-63
Section: Portfolios
Subject: The Photographs of Suzanne Gauthier
Title: Still Stories
Author: Peter Tittenberger, Per Brask
Date: April 1988
Issue: Volume 7, Number 2: The Royal Winnipeg Ballet (#26)
Page: 18-25
Section: Portfolios
Subject: Photographs by Peter Tittenberger and stories by Per Brask
Title: The Indescribable Lightness of Being Photographed:
Ernie Kroeger’s Broadview Road Project
Date: January 1988
Issue: Volume 7, Number 1: Joe Fafard (#25)
Page: 54-61
Section: Portfolios
Subject: Ernie Kroeger’s Broadview Road Project
Title: Animalscapes: The Photographs of Robert Barrow
Author: Meeka Walsh
Date: October 1987
Issue: Volume 6, Number 4: Landscape (#24)
Page: 67-76
Section: Portfolios
Subject: Robert Barrow photography
Title: Musing and Marauding: Notes on Some Recent Drawings by Ivan Eyre
Author: Robert Enright
Date: October 1987
Issue: Volume 6, Number 4: Landscape (#24)
Page: 51-60
Section: Articles, Portfolios
Subject: Ivan Eyre
Title: Alibi Drawings
Author: Sheila Butler
Date: July 1987
Issue: Volume 6, Number 3: Robert Kroetsch (#23)
Page: 33-40
Section: Portfolios
Subject: Sheila Butler “Alibi Drawings”
Title: 1959 Press Photography
What we looked like, how we say
Author: Peter Tittenberger
Date: March 1987
Issue: Volume 6, Number 2: David Umholtz (#22)
Page: 5-17
Section: Portfolios
Subject: “159 Press Photography” an exhibition at The Floating Gallery
Title: “Fictional Lives” The Photographic Portraits of Sheila Spence
Author: Robert Enright
Date: December 1986
Issue: Volume 6, Number 1: Robert Archambeau (#21)
Page: 44-51
Section: Portfolios
Subject: Photographic Portraits of Sheila Spence
Title: Sweet and Sour: Chinese Restaurants in Rural Manitoba
Author: William Eakin
Date: September 1986
Issue: Volume 5, Number 4: Wanda Koop (#20)
Page: 39-45
Section: Portfolios
Subject: William Easkin photography
Title: War Games: The photographs of Bruce Barr
Author: Robert Enright
Date: May 1986
Issue: Volume 5, Number 3: Patrick Treacy (#19)
Page: 37-45
Section: Portfolios
Subject: Bruce Barr
Title: Peace Directives: A Portfolio of Photographs by Bruce Hanks
Author: Robert Enright
Date: March 1986
Issue: Volume 5, Number 2: Rosemary Kowalsky (#18)
Page: 23-28
Section: Portfolios
Subject: Bruce Hanks
Title: The Shunning: Excerpts from a Play by Patrick Friesen
Author: Patrick Friesen
Date: December 1985
Issue: Volume 5, Number 1: Ron Keenberg (#17)
Page: 37-40
Section: Portfolios
Title: The Stillness at the Eye’s Centre: A Portfolio of Photographs by L.B. Foote
Author: Meeka Walsh
Date: December 1985
Issue: Volume 5, Number 1: Ron Keenberg (#17)
Page: 21-28
Section: Portfolios
Subject: L.B. Foote
Title: North Dakota Landscapes
Photographs by Wayne Gudmundson
Author: Wayne Gudmundson
Date: September 1985
Issue: Volume 4, Number 4: Mike Olito (#16)
Page: 51-61
Section: Portfolios
Subject: Photographs of North Dakota landscapes by Wayne Gudmundson
Title: The Price of Daily Bread
Author: Mike Mirus, John Paskievich
Date: September 1985
Issue: Volume 4, Number 4: Mike Olito (#16)
Page: 35-41
Section: Portfolios
Subject: Excerpts from a film directed and written by Mike Mirus and John Paskievich
Title: The Métis in Alberta
Photographs and Commentary by Douglas Curran
Author: Douglas Curran
Date: August 1985
Issue: Volume 4, Number 3: The Métis (#15)
Page: 37-44
Section: Portfolios
Subject: Douglas Curan photography of the Métis in Alberta
Title: Ungava: Photographs from Arctic Quebec By Joanne Jackson Johnson
Author: Robert Enright
Date: October 1984
Issue: Volume 3, Number 4: Joanne Jackson Johnson (#12)
Page: 56-61
Section: Portfolios