Index Search Results

Section: Portfolios

107 results

Title: Family Album: Photographs by Larry Glawson
Author: Robert Enright
Date: April 1984
Issue: Volume 3, Number 2: David Thauberger (#10)
Page: 41-45
Section: Portfolios
Subject: Larry Glawson photography
Title: Snapdance: The Censored Photographs of Peter Tittenberg
Date: January 1985
Issue: Volume 4, Number 1: Aganetha Dyck (#13)
Page: 29-36
Section: Portfolios
Subject: Peter Tittenberg, Gallery-in-Transit exhibition, censorship
Title: Heads: Portraits by Debra Mosher
Author: Robert Enright
Date: November 1983
Issue: Volume 3, Number 1: K.J. Butler (#9)
Page: 18-23
Section: Portfolios
Subject: Debra Mosher photography
Title: A Mime Portfolio: Giuseppe Condello/Ernest Mayer
Date: September 1983
Issue: Volume 2, Number 4: Kelly Clark (#8)
Page: 23-27
Section: Portfolios
Subject: The photographs in this portfolio are a collaboration between mimist Giuseppe Condello and photographer Ernest Mayer
Title: Peter Tittenberger
The Promise of Empty Signs
Author: Robert Enright
Date: July 1983
Issue: Volume 2, Number 3: Vic Cicansky (#7)
Page: 16-23
Section: Portfolios
Subject: Peter Tittenberger photography
Title: John Paskievich’s A Voiceless Song: Photographs of the Slavic Lands
Author: Josef Skvorecky
Date: January 1983
Issue: Volume 2, Number 2: Don Reichert (#6)
Page: 33-41
Section: Portfolios
Subject: John Paskievich photography
Title: William Eakin: Photographer
Author: William Latta
Date: October 1, 1982
Issue: Volume 2, Number 1: Esther Warkov (#5)
Page: 21-25
Section: Portfolios