Gary Pearson
Takao Tanabe
“A Story in Three Parts”
The story, set in the early 1900s, has been passed down through multi-generational oral traditions, acquiring an almost mythical quality in its reiterative representation of human suffering and endurance in the material and spiritual worlds.
“Holding a line in your hand”
Amid all of the stress, strife and suffering there were admittedly a few bright spots and one of them surely had to be a painting exhibition titled “Holding a line in your hand” at the Kamloops Art Gallery.
Susan Rothenberg
Two days after returning home from New York, I attended a chamber music concert featuring violinist James Ehnes, accompanied on piano by Andrew Armstrong. The evening program was drawn from Beethoven’s 10 violin sonatas.
“Woven Together”
All the knowledge in the world is still here. You just have to access it in parts, at points throughout your life. These lines are a close paraphrase of something Vancouver-based artist Meghann O’Brien said during a fascinating panel discussion at the Kelowna Art Gallery (KAG) this past July.
Landon MacKenzie
Christos Dikeakos
Erin Shirreff
Review of “Erin Shirreff: Pictures”, at the Contemporary Art Gallery in Vancouver, BC
Ian Wallace
David Alexander
“On the Nature of Things”
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