Keyhole Collages
The Coincidence Man: The Art of Marcel Van Eeden
Plain Landscape
Uneasy Painting: The Ambiguous Art of Shary Boyle
David Spriggs
John Hartman
Gina Rorai
The Art of Downside Narrative: An Interview with Tony Scherman
A Dark But Vital Light: An Interview with Sean Scully
The Overwhelmer: An Interview with Lisa Yuskavage
Viewing Lisa Yuskavage’s painted world is a confusing experience. We are presented with all manner of possible gazings, from the teasing liquidities of girl on girl, to the delicate performance of looking and touching that constitutes the act of masturbation. Hers is a woman’s world (more accurately, a girl’s world), where chronology hasn’t caught up to groinology. And while the upper bodies of her females don’t match the extravagant proportions of the women in the art of her friend, John Currin, there is still a noticeable degree of exaggeration in her paintings. She is capable of pushing certain portions of the body beyond conventional depiction. “I have an interest in full-throttle, full-on engagement,” she says. “I like the idea of overwhelming.”
Time Balm
Richard Holden
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