Index Search Results

Author: Robin Laurence

109 results

Title: Death’s Democratic Family
Author: Robin Laurence
Date: August 1995
Issue: Volume 14, Number 3: Painting (#55)
Page: 25-27
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: “Death and the Family,” an exhibition at Presentation House Gallery in North Vancouver
Title: Singing the Body Eclectic
Author: Robin Laurence
Date: April 1995
Issue: Volume 14, Number 2: The Body (#54)
Page: 62-65
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: the human body and photography
Title: Taking a Line for a Confrontational
Author: Robin Laurence
Date: January 1995
Issue: Volume 14, Number 1: Circus Carnival Cabaret Part II (#53)
Page: 71-72
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: “Jack Shadbolt Drawings” at UBC Fine Arts Gallery and “Jack Shadbolt Drawings” by Scott Watson
Title: Admission Impossible: Nina Raginsky and The Circus Europa
Author: Robin Laurence
Date: January 1995
Issue: Volume 14, Number 1: Circus Carnival Cabaret Part II (#53)
Page: 30-33
Section: Memoirs
Subject: Nina Raginsky and The Circus Europa
Title: Strange Conjunctor: The Wild Life and Art of Al Neil
Author: Robin Laurence
Date: August 1994
Issue: Volume 13, Number 3: The ‘60s (#51)
Page: 40-43
Section: Articles
Subject: Al Neil
Title: Modernist Montage
Author: Robin Laurence
Date: February 1993
Issue: Volume 12, Number 1: Doug Melnyk (#45)
Page: 59-61
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: “Montage and Modern Life: 1919-1942” at The Institute of Contemporary, Boston and at the Vancouver Art Gallery
Title: Docu-Dismantler
Author: Robin Laurence
Date: February 1993
Issue: Volume 12, Number 1: Doug Melnyk (#45)
Page: 58-59
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: “The Stage” by Donigan Cumming
Title: The Perils of Transformation
Psychic and Cultural Violence in the Art of Jack Shadbolt
Author: Robin Laurence
Date: December 1992
Issue: Volume 11, Number 4: First Nations Art & Culture (#44)
Page: 61-63
Section: Articles
Subject: Jack Shadbolt
Title: Eloquent Intimacies
Author: Robin Laurence
Date: April 1992
Issue: Volume 11, Number 2: Terry Winters (#42)
Page: 37-38
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: The “David Milne Retrospective” at the National Gallery in Ottawa