Index Search Results

Author: David Garneau

28 results

Title: Coaxing Nature
Author: David Garneau
Date: July 1998
Issue: Volume 17, Number 3: Storytime (#67)
Page: 74-75
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: Peter von Tiesenhausen’s “Lebensläufe” at Kelowna Art Gallery
Title: Sightlined Impressions
Author: David Garneau
Date: February 1998
Issue: Volume 17, Number 1: The Body: Gay and Straight (#65)
Page: 54-57
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: “Sightlines, an international symposium on Printmaking and Image Culture” in Edmonton
Title: Eyestreaming
Author: David Garneau
Date: February 1998
Issue: Volume 17, Number 1: The Body: Gay and Straight (#65)
Page: 49-50
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: “Joane Cardinal-Schubert: Two Decades” at the Muttart Public Art Gallery
Title: Vice Viscera
Author: David Garneau
Date: May 1997
Issue: Volume 16, Number 2: Ignacio Iturria (#62)
Page: 61
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: “Viscerate: New Works by Bev Pike,” at Latitude 53 Society of Artist in Edmonton
Title: Post-Ironic Re-enchantments
Author: David Garneau
Date: November 1996
Issue: Volume 15, Number 4: Remembering of Things Past (#60)
Page: 65-68
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: “The 1996 Alberta Biennial of Contemporary Art,” at the Edmonton Art Gallery and Calgary’s Glenbow Museum
Title: Manifest Cartography
Author: David Garneau
Date: July 1996
Issue: Volume 15, Number 3: Photographies (#59)
Page: 70-71
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: “Gregor Turk: The 49th Parallel: Barrier as Corridor” at Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies in Banff
Title: The Paradoxes of Intolerance
Author: David Garneau
Date: July 1996
Issue: Volume 15, Number 3: Photographies (#59)
Page: 63-65
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: “Intolerance” co-curated by Catherine Crowston and Sara Diamond at the Walter Phillips Gallery in Banff
Title: Naked Before the Subject
Author: David Garneau
Date: May 1996
Issue: Volume 15, Number 2: Taras Polataiko (#58)
Page: 62-64
Section: Crossovers, Reviews
Subject: “George Steeves: 1979-1993,” organized by the Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography, at the Illingworth Kerr Gallery