Index Search Results

Section: Fiction

78 results

Title: The Crumb Cake Rag
Author: Pat Sanders
Date: August 1985
Issue: Volume 4, Number 3: The Métis (#15)
Page: 35-36
Section: Fiction
Title: Grad
Author: Anne Phillips
Date: April 1985
Issue: Volume 4, Number 2: Sheila Butler (#14)
Page: 43-44
Section: Fiction
Title: Norris
Author: Jake MacDonald
Date: October 1984
Issue: Volume 3, Number 4: Joanne Jackson Johnson (#12)
Page: 66-70
Section: Fiction
Title: The Wheelchair
Author: Gabrielle Roy
Date: October 1984
Issue: Volume 3, Number 4: Joanne Jackson Johnson (#12)
Page: 47-53
Section: Fiction
Title: Mrs. Turner Cutting the Grass
Author: Carol Shields
Date: August 1984
Issue: Volume 3, Number 3: Tony Tascona (#11)
Page: 46-49
Section: Fiction
Title: Lyuba
Author: Polly Woodward
Date: April 1984
Issue: Volume 3, Number 2: David Thauberger (#10)
Page: 29-30
Section: Fiction
Title: Anita; A Monologue
Author: Per Brask
Date: January 1985
Issue: Volume 4, Number 1: Aganetha Dyck (#13)
Page: 56-57
Section: Fiction
Title: An Old World Wedding
Author: Ed Kleiman
Date: January 1985
Issue: Volume 4, Number 1: Aganetha Dyck (#13)
Page: 43-47
Section: Fiction
Title: Tómas Jónasson, Jazz
Author: Kristjana Gunnars
Date: November 1983
Issue: Volume 3, Number 1: K.J. Butler (#9)
Page: 65-69
Section: Fiction
Title: Falling in Love
Author: Sandra Birdsell
Date: September 1983
Issue: Volume 2, Number 4: Kelly Clark (#8)
Page: 52-57
Section: Fiction
Title: A Travel Piece
Author: Larry Krotz
Date: July 1983
Issue: Volume 2, Number 3: Vic Cicansky (#7)
Page: 33-34
Section: Fiction
Title: Dancing with Cuckoo-Gee
Author: George Morrissette
Date: July 1983
Issue: Volume 2, Number 3: Vic Cicansky (#7)
Page: 26-28
Section: Fiction
Title: Two Fables
Author: Alexandre Amprimoz
Date: January 1983
Issue: Volume 2, Number 2: Don Reichert (#6)
Page: 68-69
Section: Fiction
Title: Patricia
Author: Wayne Tefs
Date: January 1983
Issue: Volume 2, Number 2: Don Reichert (#6)
Page: 54-56
Section: Fiction
Title: The Unmarried Sister
Author: David Arnason
Date: October 1, 1982
Issue: Volume 2, Number 1: Esther Warkov (#5)
Page: 72
Section: Fiction
Title: Morning Letter
Author: David Arnason
Date: December 1, 1978
Issue: Volume 1, Numbers 3 and 4: Special Double Issue 3 & 4 (#4)
Page: 93-96
Section: Fiction
Title: The Bicyclist
Author: Ed Kleiman
Date: December 1, 1978
Issue: Volume 1, Numbers 3 and 4: Special Double Issue 3 & 4 (#4)
Page: 40-44
Section: Fiction
Title: Barn Cats
Author: Sid Stephen
Date: March 1977
Issue: Volume 1, Number 2: Karoo Ashevak (#2)
Page: 30-32
Section: Fiction