Gertrude Stein’s Dog
Dossier Why
Imre Kertész’s memoir, Dossier K
A Mother’s Story, for Brief Moments, in Dreams: The Problems of Language
Indifference and Donkeys, A Tale
The City in Decline: Dreaming of Mickey Mouse
Behind Our Eyelids, Dreaming
The state of dreaming, the carrier for obscure content whose meaning and full description eludes us, the event of it, the gap we seek to close without ever intending to, that particular sensation is much desired. An indrawn breath away, a substance heavier and solider than air, an etheric suspension so endlessly sought after its label should caution, “opiate.” This space we can and can’t achieve is always individual; collective dreaming, and longing is something more akin to propaganda and is manufactured. What I’m meaning to describe is personal.
The Splendid Life of Feeling
A Handle, on Building
Werner Herzog: Waying Mythologies
Claude Cahun: Travelling in the Prow of Herself
Georges Perec: Soft Chalk and Pigeons
A Line Through Space, Through the Heart
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