Sandee Moore
Leesa Streifler
“Open Structure”
Vic Cicansky
What is a gardener’s universe? Are its constellations made up of clustered globes of tomatoes and eggplants? Do black holes of compost suck up the sun’s radiant energy and all manner of decomposing plant matter, concentrating it in their loamy depths?
Walter Scott
Walter Scott’s recent exhibition, “Betazoid in a Fog,” at Saskatoon’s Remai Modern was a complicated mash-up of visual signs that hint at much but resist easy reading. Rather than neatly summing up the exhibition’s theme, its title introduces an offbeat element—Star Trek’s race of telepathic empaths, Betazoids—to create an analogy between reading artworks and reading minds.
Bev Pike
Pretend: Theatre & Video
“Pretend: Theatre & Video” featured the work of Tellervo Kalleinen, Omer Fast, Coco Fusco, Nathalie Djurberg, and Theo Sims.
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