Ray Cronin
Alan Syliboy
“Cabinet Music (Cantata for Erosion)”
Lucie Chan
June Leaf in Mabou Since 1969
“The Infernal Grove”
Each speaker, in recounting their experience of addiction and drug taking, their experience of the illegal drug economy, of incarceration and sanction, eschews shame, apology, or regret.
Future Possible: An Art History of Newfoundland and Labrador
“The Impossible Museum”
The Thomas McCulloch Museum is tucked away in one of the many brutalist buildings from the late 1960s and early 1970s that make up the stolid core of Dalhousie University.
“Sense of Site”
Re-presenting performance and site-specific art in galleries poses questions for audiences to which there are no easy answers. Is “performance documentation” even art, for instance, or just what its name implies—a document? If something is site-specific, can it exist, as art at least, away from that site? And, anyway, just how much time and effort should be put to preserving something conceived and executed as ephemeral?
Brenda Francis Pelkey
William Robinson
Sculpture and Other Provocations: The Artful Subversions of Colleen Wolstenholme
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