Didier Morelli
“Velvet Terrorism: Pussy Riot’s Russia”
Erin Shirreff
“Awakening: seeing beyond the frame”
Outdoor School: Contemporary Environmental Art
By activating single points on a much larger rhizome or sentient network, Borsato and Morrell encourage conversation and natural immersion.
Maria Hupfield
Transforming everyday objects into new assemblages, and then employing these not as simple ready-mades for contemplation but as useful, processual or ritualized extensions of herself, Hupfield gives life and vitality to the often dry, obtuse minimalism of contemporary conceptual art.
Francisco-Fernando Granados
co-respond-dance- Version II reacted to the health crisis by reaching out towards the “other,” reinforcing communal bonds at a time when touch, sensuality and intimacy are critically constrained.
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