Ben Portis
Lili Huston-Herterich
Leigh Bridges
Sky Glabush
Robert Fones
Jimmy Limit
Daniel Hutchinson
Daniel Hutchinson
Jay Isaac
John Abrams
“Persona Volare: EXPO”
“Persona Volare: EXPO” featured the work of John Dickson, Michael Davey, Johanne Zits, John Boyle, Lorna Mills, Lorne Wagman, Kate WIlson, Horace Vick, Brian Hobbs, Monica Tap, Chantal Rousseau, Rebecca Diederich, Lisa Neighbour, Cornelius Krieghoff, J W Beatty, Tom Thomson, Lawren Harris, David Milne, William Kurelek, David Bierk, Lyla Rye, Jamasie Teevee, Carlo Cesta, and Guido Molinari.
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