Small Animals Make First Paths/Sketching out of Doors



Small Animals Make First Paths rubber stamp by David Dunlap. Dunlap is an artist/teacher/walnut farmer living and working in Iowa.
A rock from my 5 year old son’s collection
Images of Reality card set by Bruno Munari, Danese, Milan, 1977
Beaver Dam Trail, Rushing River Ontario, this summer.
Wasp nest (vase proposal) found in Rushing River, Ontario
Birch tree, Rushing River, Ontario
Wooden Eggs from American Pigeon Journal, Warrenton, Missouri, 1979
Spread from Psalm 8: From The Voices of Children by Gerard A. Pottebaum, illustrated by Robert Strobridge, 1965
Driftwood sculpture diagram from Instant-Effect Decorating by Marjorie Katz, 1972
Sketching out of Doors by Leonard Richmond, Grosset and Dunlop, 1954
Excerpt from THE WISHING BONE CYCLE: Narrative Poems from the Swampy Cree Indians gathered and translated by Howard A. Norman, Stonehill, NY, 1976
The Driftwood Book by Mary E. Thompson, D. Van Nostrand Co., 1960
Rivers from Hebrew Through Pictures by I.A. Richards, David Weinstein, and Christine Gibson, Pocket Books Inc., 1954
“Manipulating the loop” from Poul Jorgensen’s Book of Fly Tying: A Guide to Ties for all Game Fish, 1988
Spread from A Moon or a Button: A Collection of First Picture Ideas by Ruth Krauss and Remy Charlip, 1959
Make it Private from Fresh Carpet by Ivor Cutler, Arc Publications, 1986
Making Simple Constructions by Hansi Bohm, Studio Vista, London, 1971
Monoclinic shapes from Minerals of Manitoba - Volume I: Non-metallic and pegmatitic by K.A. Phillips PHD., Department of Mines, Resources and Environmental Management, Manitoba Mineral Resources Division, 1978
The Japanese Art of Miniature Trees and Landscapes by Yuji Yoshimura and Giovanna M. Halford, Charles E. Tuttle Co., 1957
Detail from The Quiet Noisy Book by Magaret Wise Brown,illustrated by Leonard Weisgard. Harper and Collins, 1950
Out of the Sky: An Introduction to Meteoritics by H.H. Nininger, Dover, NY, 1952
Sculpture in Wood by Ferelyth & Bill Wills, D,D,&C, Vancouver, 1975
Detail from The Sorcerer’s Apprentice, Disney, Random House, NY, 1973
Trade Marks and Symbols—Volume 2: Symbolical Designs by Yasaburo Kuwayama, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1973
Title page detail from The Way of an Ant by Kazue Mizumura, Thomas Y. Crowell Co., NY, 1970
Whittling Twigs and Branches by Chris Lubkermann, Fox Chapel Publishing, 2002
Michael Dumontier
Instagram: @stoppingoffplace