Plural 2024 | Editor’s Picks Day 3
Join Border Crossings at Plural 2024 as Editor Meeka Walsh selects artists’ works from participating galleries at the festival site.
Day 3
Lynne Cohen | Galerie Laroche/Joncas- L’appartement
Lynne Cohen, Classroom Kemptvill, Ontario | Salle de classe Kemptville, Ontario, 1979, gelatin silver print, 20 x 24 in. Courtesy: Galerie Laroche/Joncas- L’appartement

Lynne Cohen, Classroom with Blackboard and Chair | Tableau (salle de classe et chaise), 1978, gelatin silver print, 20 x 24 in. Courtesy: Galerie Laroche/Joncas- L’appartement
Ursula Johnson | The Blue Building

From left: Ursula Johnson, Water Scoop, 2013, black ash, sweetgrass and commercial dye. 3.0 x 8.0 x 4.0 cm. 2. Ursula Johnson, Candy Basket on Steroids, 2013, (Medium sized Candy Basket on Steroids), black ash, sweetgrass and commercial dye, 12.7 x 12.7 x 12.7 cm. 3. Ursula Johnson, Candy Basket on Steroids, 2013, (Large sized Candy Basket on Steroids), black ash, sweetgrass and commercial dye, 18.0 x 18.0 x 15.0 cm. All courtesy of The Blue Building. Photo: Ryan Josey.
Jannick Deslauriers | Chiguer art contemporain

Jannick Deslauriers, Sans titre (Étude pour Chambres blanches), 2024, graphite, pastels а l’huile et encre sur papier mylar | oil pastels and ink on mylar 91.4 x 142.2 cm. Courtesy: Chiguer art contemporain

Jannick Deslauriers Sans titre (Étude pour chambre blanche), 2024 Graphite, pastels а l’huile et encre sur papier mylar 48.25 x 61 cm. Courtesy: Chiguer art contemporain
Larissa Tigglers | Christie Contemporary
Larissa Tigglers, two or more parts, 2024, acrylic on canvas, 40 x 30 in (101.6 x 76.2 cm). Photo: LF Documentation, courtesy: Christie Contemporary
Stephen Schofield | McBride Contemporain
Stephen Schofield, You say Sweeter, I say Sweater, 1992, duponi and taffeta silk, crystallized with sugar and mounted on vacuum cleaners and steel base, 63 x 25 x 27 in. Courtesy: McBride Contemporain.
Christelle Lacombe | Galerie C.O.A

From left: 1. Christelle Lacombe, Fiction de lettre 10, 2023, hand machine embroidery, thread drawing, 9 x 7 in. 2. Christelle Lacombe, Fiction de lettre 22, 2023, hand machine embroidery, thread drawing, 9 x 7 in. 3. Christelle Lacombe, Fiction de lettre 32, 2023, hand machine embroidery, thread drawing, 9 x 7 in. All courtesy: Galerie C.O.A.
Jake Kimble | United Contemporary

Jake Kimble, Funny Looking Raven, 2023, Archival Pigment Print, 20.25 x 36 in, Edition of 3 + 1AP. Courtesy: United Contemporary.

Jake Kimble, 12’ 4”, 2023, Archival Pigment Print, 22 x 22 in, Edition of 3 + 1AP. Courtesy: United Contemporary.