Paulo Mendes da Rocha Awarded the Venice Biennale’s Golden Lion
We’re delighted to announce that Architect Paulo Mendes da Rocha will be presented with the Golden Lion for lifetime achievement by Venice Biennale Curator Alejandro Aravena on May 28, 2016.
The 2014 Architecture Biennale’s Golden Lion went to Canada’s Phyllis Lambert.
Both architects are featured in Border Crossings’ special Issue 138: Art + Architecture, set for early June publication.

Casa Butantã. Image courtesy Paulo Mendes da Rocha.

Paulo Mendes da Rocha
Other pieces of a Venetian-swing in the upcoming double-sized issue:
THE EVIDENCE ROOM - Anne Bordeleau, Sascha Hastings, Donald McKay, Robert Jan van Pelt have collaborated on a powerful project; one that exhibits some of the evidence successfully used in a 2000 London libel suit to challenge the false assertion by a revisionist historian and Holocaust denier that there had been no gas chambers in Auschwitz and that therefore the Holocaust didn’t happen. The images were also used to research and produce the plaster casts presented in The Evidence Room exhibition, which will be located in the Central Pavilion at the 2016 La Biennale Architettura di Venezia. Earlier this month Architect Robert Jan van Pelt discussed the project with CBC’s Shad Kabango. Listen here.
EXTRACTION - Canadian Curator Pierre Bélanger interviewed by Robert Enright on Canada’s entry to the Venice Biennale. A charged and provocative piece on the project, its conceptual formation and how the nature of extraction has carved out an economic system that we both depend on and deny the repercussions of.
Commissioner: Catherine Crowston, Art Gallery of Alberta. Curator: Pierre Bélanger, OPSYS. Exhibitors: OPSYS / RVTR.
Check back frequently for updates and excerpts from the soon-to-be-published Issue 138: Art + Architecture.