“Dreams & Nightmares” Day 5 Gala 2018 Preview
The Border Crossings “Dreams & Nightmares” Gala will take place on Saturday, March 17 at the Fort Garry Hotel in Winnipeg.
Check back for updates or follow @bordercrossingsmag on Instagram as we continue to post previews of the artwork.
For Tickets or call 204.942.5778 | 1.866.825.7165

Micah Lexier
Here, Not Here Plaque #16 (D,O), Porcelain enamel on steel, metal hooks, One of 20 unique variations, Courtesy Birch Contemporary, Toronto, 15” x 14”, 2017.

Matthew Gardiner
Filling Station, Acrylic on Canvas, 30” x 24”, 2018.

Wanda Koop
Front, from the “Interplay Series”, Archival Pigment Print, 42” x 17.5”, 2014.

Simon Hughes
Glossy Lake, Oil and Roll-A-Tex on panel, 16” x 20”, 2017.

Larry Glawson
Weiner Dog, a/p, Archival ink jet print, Image size: 7.5” x 34.75”, Print size: 9” x 36”, 2017.

Rhayne Vermette
2 stolen IMAX cells from an unreleased animation titled Domus 2, Film cell collage (16mm + 35mm in 72mm) mounted on found sketchbook cover, 8.5” x 8.5”, 2017.

Galen Johnson
Untitled, Ink on Paper, 11” x 14”, 2006.