Index Search Results

Section: Poetry

173 results

Title: Dennis Cooley
Author: Dennis Cooley
Date: January 1985
Issue: Volume 4, Number 1: Aganetha Dyck (#13)
Section: Poetry
Title: east is east
Author: Terrence Heath
Date: November 1983
Issue: Volume 3, Number 1: K.J. Butler (#9)
Page: 64
Section: Poetry
Title: “boating” and “in the park”
Author: Dennis Cooley
Date: November 1983
Issue: Volume 3, Number 1: K.J. Butler (#9)
Page: 63
Section: Poetry
Title: Poetry Index
Date: September 1983
Issue: Volume 2, Number 4: Kelly Clark (#8)
Page: 71
Section: Poetry
Title: woman shelling peas in acrylic green, poem.
Author: Di Brandt
Date: September 1983
Issue: Volume 2, Number 4: Kelly Clark (#8)
Page: 29
Section: Poetry
Title: A Parade of Black Horses
Author: Charles Wilkins
Date: September 1983
Issue: Volume 2, Number 4: Kelly Clark (#8)
Page: 28
Section: Poetry
Title: “Valentine” and “Familiar Song”
Author: Jan Horner
Date: July 1983
Issue: Volume 2, Number 3: Vic Cicansky (#7)
Page: 34
Section: Poetry
Title: “Shared Birthday” and “Eve Talks to Herself”
Author: Judith Harway
Date: July 1983
Issue: Volume 2, Number 3: Vic Cicansky (#7)
Page: 67
Section: Poetry
Title: “Gallery Series 1” and “Gallery Series 2”
Author: Fred Wah
Date: July 1983
Issue: Volume 2, Number 3: Vic Cicansky (#7)
Page: 66
Section: Poetry
Title: October
Author: Jacqui Smith
Date: July 1983
Issue: Volume 2, Number 3: Vic Cicansky (#7)
Page: 66
Section: Poetry
Title: Celebration
Author: Patrick Friesen
Date: January 1983
Issue: Volume 2, Number 2: Don Reichert (#6)
Page: 64
Section: Poetry
Title: Monoceros
Author: Andris Taskans
Date: January 1983
Issue: Volume 2, Number 2: Don Reichert (#6)
Page: 63
Section: Poetry
Title: Merry-Andrew’s Song
Author: Andris Taskans
Date: January 1983
Issue: Volume 2, Number 2: Don Reichert (#6)
Page: 63
Section: Poetry
Title: In the Garden
Author: Patrick Friesen
Date: January 1983
Issue: Volume 2, Number 2: Don Reichert (#6)
Page: 63
Section: Poetry
Title: Vampire Dreams
Author: Elizabeth Carriere
Date: October 1, 1982
Issue: Volume 2, Number 1: Esther Warkov (#5)
Page: 68
Section: Poetry
Title: Perhaps There is Snow (for Robert Kroetsch)
Author: Patrick Lane
Date: October 1, 1982
Issue: Volume 2, Number 1: Esther Warkov (#5)
Page: 67
Section: Poetry
Title: Miriam Waddington
Date: December 1, 1978
Issue: Volume 1, Numbers 3 and 4: Special Double Issue 3 & 4 (#4)
Page: 57
Section: Poetry
Title: Michael Tregebov
Date: December 1, 1978
Issue: Volume 1, Numbers 3 and 4: Special Double Issue 3 & 4 (#4)
Section: Poetry
Title: Andy Suknaski
Date: December 1, 1978
Issue: Volume 1, Numbers 3 and 4: Special Double Issue 3 & 4 (#4)
Section: Poetry
Title: Al Purdy
Date: December 1, 1978
Issue: Volume 1, Numbers 3 and 4: Special Double Issue 3 & 4 (#4)
Page: 57
Section: Poetry