Three Poems

by Chimwemwe Undi

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I am new to all this taking—
A novice haver, a modern girl,
new to hunger’s tacky finger.
None of this I even want,
though I am no stranger to wanting,
to being wanted, to wishing.
to refurl my spilling flesh,
the vast expanse of me,
like the plains (as wide, as analyzed,
as stared into (as hungry to ungive
what I’ve never willingly given))

So yes, I’ve earned this new fullness
in my too big hands, in my pockets,
up my sleeves. Warm like earth,
which also belongs to me.
A smirking rebellion, everything
under my control and everything
under me: the flames, included.
Their promise, included.
Their famed hunger incomparable
to mine. No, not approaching mine

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